...which seems to be JW lingo for 'we try to appear cooperative, but in reality we're stonewalling and stalling until this blows over'
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
Dutch JW 'consider' independent research committee in child abuse issues....
by Anders Andersen in...which seems to be jw lingo for 'we try to appear cooperative, but in reality we're stonewalling and stalling until this blows over'.
english translation of the news item.
topic on dutch exjw reddit.
Watchtower back to criticising the United Nations
by AverageJoe1 inthe outline number 44 from this year’s regional assembly states:.
la organización de las naciones unidas es en realidad una falsificación del reino mesiánico, y es una ofensa para dios.. .
translation: “the united nations organisation is actually a counterfeit of the messianic kingdom, and it is offensive to god.”.
Anders Andersen
Looking through that declaration of human rights it appears to me that JW beliefs and practices actually are in conflict with many of the points.
Not the least of them being "everyone has the right to live" -- whereas JW believe no human being has the right to live and everyone deserves to die.
Anders Andersen
@Never A JW,
If you stick around here long enough you'll learn that this is Poopie style.
Many have tried and failed before you to make Poopie add some context to posts.
Well, there has been major improvement as most of Poopies post can be understood nowadays. They used to be completely incoherent.
But that's the charm of forums like these: everyone can participate at their own level and volition.
Anders Andersen
No new light. Every JW knows that the encouragement to greet people doesn't extend to filthy exjw scumbags, unless explicitly stated.
This article is doublespeak at it's finest.
Oh Boy! Beards are "stumbling blocks" again ... from Stephen Lett
by freddo inso this week's midweek meeting video about stumbling others has lett spouting and gurning rubbish again.. if you can't take the whole 9 minutes go from 5:50 to get the context and 6:45 for the "beard" mention.. https://youtu.be/ezv1ici5cwo.
oh, well - at least they shoot themselves in the foot with this doublespeak.
Is he interested?
by Sunnybear ini met a wonderful man on match.com several months ago.
on our first date, there was amazing chemistry and we ended up having sex.
it was not planned, it just happened.
Anders Andersen
I told him I wanted to end it and he refused.
Doesn't this mean he really only cares about him, not really about your feelings?
If you want to end it, you can. That's your decision. You don't need his permission. He has absolutely no say in that. Just as you can't force him to stay with you if he doesn't want to.
Does he disregard your input and opinion in other things as well?
From the rest of what you write it's clear he doesn't really want you to be part of his life long term. Believe him when he says it isn't gonna work out long term.
The man is telling you he won't be with you for long. He just want a sexual friendship with no commitment. He told you. Believe what he told you.
Now if you are fine being friends with benefits for as long as it lasts, by all means have fun.
If you're not fine with that, leave. It's your decision, and your decision only.
Don't stick around to see if you can change his mind, you can't. Believe what the man told you.
The above is all just about human interaction. In this case, it gets even worse because there's a cult involved. If you are anything less than absolutely sure that both you and him want to be committed to each other for a long time, leave.
Yes, that hurts. But it's better than wasting your precious time with someone who doesn't want to be committed to you if that is what you desire.
Good luck!
Marriage Proposal in the Kingdom Hall
by Listener injust when you think you've seen it all comes another interesting use of a kingdom hall.a young man serenades his girlfriend with a song (possibly a watchtower song) from the stage through a microphone and backed by recorded music.
then he steps off the stage and gets down on one knee and proposes as he pulls out a ring from his coat pocket.
the large projector screen flashes up behind them with a picture of a sapphire and diamond ring.cameras capture the joyous moment as she accepts and they lock together in a loving hug.
Anders Andersen
If the CO gets wind of this every elder and MS involved in this will be reprimanded and possibly demoted.
Watchtower rules officially don't even allow for social coffee in the KH after the meeting.
Brazen Conduct???
by Vanderhoven7 inhow is brazen conduct defined by the elders?
do you know of any cases where it has been improperly used against the r&f...you-know, like squeezing the toothpaste tube the wrong way is sometimes touted as mental cruelty?
Anders Andersen
“brazen conduct” describes acts that reflect an attitude that betrays disrespect, disregard, or even contempt for divine standards, laws, and authority. Therefore, two elements are involved in brazen conduct: (1) The conduct itself is a serious violation of Jehovah’s laws, and (2) the attitude of the wrongdoer toward God’s laws is disrespectful, insolent.—w06
Though this is not an exhaustive list, brazen conduct may be involved in the following if the wrongdoer has an insolent, contemptuous attitude made evident by a practice of these things:
- Willful, continued, unnecessary association with disfellowshipped nonrelatives despite repeated counsel.—Matt. 18:17b; 1 Cor. 5:11, 13; 2 John 10, 11; w81 9/15 pp. 25-26. 60 “Shepherd the Flock of God”—1 Peter 5:2
- Child sexual abuse: This would include fondling of breasts, an explicitly immoral proposal, showing pornography to a child, voyeurism, indecent exposure, and so forth.
- Continuing to date or pursue a romantic relationship with a person though not legally or Scripturally free to marry, despite repeated counsel and generally after a warning talk to the congregation.—Gal.
That is the official definition. Basically it involves ignoring the elders. They don't like that. You'll be kicked out. Because ignoring elders is worse than raping children then pretending you're sorry.
Anders Andersen
Congratulations Stan! Happy Birthday to you!
Isn't 70 the number for complete perfection? ;-)
Solicitors Visit Update
by pale.emperor inin case you're not aware of my last two threads:.
the situation that arose in that my mother has been having secret access to my daughter and refusing to tell me how she is: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5012900121935872/am-overreacting-here.
the build up to my solicitors visit: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6284953638666240/solicitors-appontment-tomorrow-advice-appreciated.
Anders Andersen
Very good. Thank you very much for sharing!
I'll drink one tonight to celebrate for you ;-)